Benefits & Myths of Yoga does a body good.
but why?
So everyone from your grandmother to the stranger on the street has told you to try yoga. So the real question is why should you? The benefits are endless. These days it seems like everything (world peace included) can be improved by doing yoga. The following are just a few of the hundreds of areas that yoga can improve your life:
stress management
bone density
overall fitness
range of motion
risk of injury
management of chronic diseases
weight management
Myth: I can't do yoga because I'm stiff...heck, I can't even touch my toes!
Fact: Unless you are traveling with the circus or come from a dance background, it's not at all unusual that you feel stiff. The good news is that yoga can help. With a consistent practice you will see improvement over time.....who knows, Barnum & Bailey might just come knocking on your door.
Myth: I work out, I run, I lift, I don't need to do yoga.
Fact: Although many forms of exercise provide a wonderful physical workout, only yoga can also claim to be a therapeutic system that helps heal injuries, improve chronic illness, and balance mental stress. It makes a wonderful addition to any workout plan.
Myth: Yoga is just for girls.
Fact: Lots of things in life (like high heels) are reserved for ladies, however yoga is not one of them. Historically, a ton of the "rockstar" yogis have been men. Did you know that Superbowl Champ Russell Wilson does yoga? Come on now....Real dudes, do yoga too!
Myth: I tried yoga once but it was too slow and's not for me.
Fact: Some styles of yoga are slower paced but there are also plenty that are faster paced and more challenging. Like shoes, you have to try on different types to find the right fit for you! Good news we have a rainbow to choose from!
Myth: Yoga is a religion and I'm not looking to join. I think they do voodoo.
Fact: Yoga is not a religion and we don't levitate! Yoga is a series of poses designed to take your body through it's full range of motion. The belief system of yoga is to simply be more connected with your body and yourself.
Myth: I can't do yoga...I like to grab a couple of beers with buddies, eat big macs or......(insert unhealthy habit here)
Fact: Welcome to the no judgement zone. Just because you do yoga doesn't mean that you can't indulge in whatever life you like. Overtime perhaps you might move towards a healthier lifestyle but that's all up to you. No pressure. Be who you are:)