Happy New Year!!! For years, I have been going through resolution turmoil. There were the years I would wake up early the morning of January 1st….who am I kidding, January 2nd. Throw on my running shoes and head out the door. I’d last at least until the first sign of spring before I’d burn out (temps in Virginia can be in the 80s in February after all). Then there were the years when I would deem myself beyond the whole resolution mess. Just sticking with what I knew with the rationalization that January 1 is just another day. So this year I’ve taken an entirely different approach. I want to live the best life possible. Rainbows, unicorns, whatever being my healthiest self looks like….I’d like to live it. Not one day, not for the first 3 months of the year, but forever. When I stumbled across the book 52 Small Changes it was as though lightening had struck. Here is a book that addresses the steps that are needed to be healthy, one baby step at a time. I’ve rallied the troops at the studio and we’re all on board….one small change at a time! Week 1 is titled “Drink Up!”. It’s recommended that we drink half our body weight in ounces of water each day. The book details who should add even more water to their routine. Already drinking enough H2O? Chapter Uno challenges us to focus on filtered water…you can start at the studio where our bottle filler is always providing filtered water. FYI…..our bodies depend more on water than food. An individual can live up to 6 weeks without food but will perish in 3 to 5 without water. Drink up BUTTERCUP!!!