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2, 4, 6, 8, who do we APPRECIATE?!!

YOU! That's who!!

April showers might bring May flowers but April also brings an awareness of all the things, people, and places that we appreciate.  Patanjali, the ancient yoga philosopher who wrote the guiding principles that are still followed today knew way back when that this whole appreciation thing was of the utmost importance.  Patanjali put special importance on the observance (Niyama) of contentment, referred to as Santosha in Sanskrit, or finding appreciation for what is.  

Swami Rama writes that Santosha is " falling in love with life".  So this makes me wonder are we falling in love with our lives on this very day?  Right here, right now, as I sit writing to you in my pajamas before even washing my face, I know I could do a better job.  Appreciation, contentment, and gratitude are just like muscles.  To meet their maximum potential they must be practiced, worked, and utilized.  

Journals for gratitude, meditating on what you are appreciative of today, or being intentional with how you say thank you to the world are a few ways.  But what about all the things that we forget are wonderful.  Like the fact that I have running water to wash my face with and all the men and women who years before me laid the ground work to have plumbing brought to my house.  Or that I have a roof over my head???

Appreciation isn't about our expectations being met .  It's about dropping those expectations and finding the perfect in the present.  That way when life hands us tough obstacles we can work to find the good, the appreciation, the bliss.  

Today I'm appreciative for the little girl in the picture above.  That's my Gracie.  At almost 7 years old she took her first adult yoga class last night (Yin with Cindy) and did Ommmmazing.  As a mama, I was worried...will she be able to find stillness, will she talk during class, is she going to scream that she's bored during Savasana?  Half way through she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze followed with a smile.  For her, this day, and that moment, I am so appreciative.  What are you appreciative for?  As you focus on this month's theme be sure to tag us in your social media posts with #appreciationaprilss

We're so appreciative of you and aim to serve you to the highest potential.  If we can be of help, please let us know.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Lots of Love,

Katy & Crew


April Appreciation

This month we kicked off with April Appreciation. #appreciationapril!

We loved all your #marchmotivation posts and the determination we're seeing from our Spring Challenge participants and we thought it much needed to complement all your hard work with some good and simple APPRECIATION for the little things.

The Shavasanas, the cool cloths, the sips of water, the breath...this month is the time for YOU to appreciate YOUR wonderful unique selves and all that life (and your practice at Studio South) has to offer!


Be Kind.

This week’s blog post was inspired by a quote from Tiny Devotions: “throw kindness around like confetti.”

What makes Studio South different and special? The overwhelming sense of warmth and hospitality as you enter our doors. When you join Studio South, you join a community of caring individuals. The purpose of this week’s blog post is a simple challenge to our members: this week, be a good steward of the Studio South community by doing something kind for someone else. Compliment someone you take a hot yoga class with each week. Invite a friend or acquaintance who has never been to Studio South before to try a class with you. Give a ride to class to someone who lives in your neighborhood or works with you. It doesn’t matter what you do. Just take a few minutes this week to do something kind for something else, and watch the kindness spread as others pay it forward.

Namaste y’all!

Kelly Hall

Studio South Social Media Guru
