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Week 5: The glass is just a glass

The Glass Is Half Full
by Paul Crapol
“Cheer up, it’s not so bad!” It seems that someone is always willing to say that whenever we’re walking down the street, absorbed in our thoughts. “Look on the bright side,” they encourage us.
Of course, that kind someone has probably just inherited an obscene sum of money or won the largest Powerball jackpot ever last Tuesday. Easy for them to say, “Cheer up” – their most difficult decision of the day is whether to buy or lease their new robot butler.
But sometimes it turns out that the kind soul reaching out to us is someone who practices yoga. And they really do look on the bright side (or at least not on the dark side), regardless of what happens in life.
Plain and simple, the regular practice of yoga helps our outlook on life. When we practice yoga, we don’t run away and hide from the thoughts, sensations, and emotions that run through our minds. Rather, we are encouraged to just “stay with” whatever arises. Without judgment and, as much as possible, without the knee-jerk reactions that have become ingrained habits. Using this mindfulness, we soon see how often we automatically attach labels of “good” or “bad” to just about everything that arises in our lives.
Yoga practice helps us to take a moment and just breathe before we react. Yoga can’t stop xy,or from happening, but it can help us in how we respond to xy, and z. Over time, that negative “self-talk” we all know so well loosens its grip a bit and we can engage with whatever we’re thinking and feeling. So, when that proverbial glass of water arises in our lives, we can unattach from the immediate reactions of “half empty” or “half full” and just see it for what it is: A glass of water.
Paul Crapol is a wonderful part of our Studio South Family.  He brings a balanced voice that is full of warmth and compassion to all those he comes in contact with.  He teaches Hot Yoga and Hot Flow.  He is also a professional writer.


Week 4: You are what you eat!

Week 4....has it really been a month already or close to it?  Keep a food journal.  Here's the real test....let's keep each other honest.  For the next 24 hours write down every morsel of everything you eat.  Next to the food, write down how you feel.  Report there a correlation.  Do you tend to eat less of the bad and more of the good when you are writing it all down?  

Did you know?  We often mistake thirst for hunger.  The next time you are famished start with a big glass of water!!


Week 3: Keep off the couch…

Move it or lose it.  You know it.  Working out, physical activity, getting your heart rate up, and your stress level down are all good for you!  This week we are encouraged to not only engage in exercise but to add movement to our lives.  It would be great to add 5 miles or 90 minutes of yoga to our daily lives but even more impressive would just be to add movement.  I've been parking further away from the grocery store (all goes according to plan until I lost my wallet....getting twice as much movement!).  Get down on the floor to play with the kids....they are great partners to practice your next AcroYoga routine with;)  I've even given a pedometer to my 4 and 6 they get the idea that the more steps they take the better off they are....for me they are like puppies and the more steps they take the better they sleep.  Actually aren't we all like puppies...the more we play and move the better off we are.  

A body in motion is more likely to stay in motion.  How are you moving today???????  Please leave a comment and share any tips you may have for others!  


Week 2: Get your Zzzzs

I remember being a child and thinking how great it would be when I could set my own bedtime. How late I would stay up, all the fun I would have….My 20 year old self pressed the limits seeing how many nights I could spend out on the town or up all night studying (more of the former and less of the later….sorry mom)….that was the season of life where I discovered coffee…..then I grew up, had babies and realized that the real fun comes in seeing how early I can lift my two feet off the bed, climb under the covers and rest my shoulders…..there is nothing that feels better than a good nights sleep! Week 2 touches on Getting our Zzzzs. Like our own individual yoga practices, every one has their own number of hours that they need to feel refreshed and to be as healthy as possible. In general you need at least 7-8 and not more than 10. Whatever your magic number….how do you get your Zzzs. Do you have a bedtime ritual? "52" suggests lavender, tea, dim light, and white noise. I personally like taking the breathing that we do in yoga to my bed. As you lay in bed, inhale through your nose fill your belly first and then your chest, pause, exhale through the nose allowing your chest to deflate and then your belly. I guarantee after doing this 6 or 7 times, you are more relaxed and ready to sleep. Another thing I sometimes do and don't judge as it's a little odd! I try to breath in through one nostril and out through the other. Truth is, I don't know if I ever achieve this but the concentration of it helps me to relax. Be sure to share your tips for getting your Zzzzs under the comments! Be sure to get your beauty rest until our next post… 7 sleeps:) Nite-nite loves!


Week 1: Water, water, everywhere!

Happy New Year!!! For years, I have been going through resolution turmoil. There were the years I would wake up early the morning of January 1st….who am I kidding, January 2nd. Throw on my running shoes and head out the door. I'd last at least until the first sign of spring before I'd burn out (temps in Virginia can be in the 80s in February after all). Then there were the years when I would deem myself beyond the whole resolution mess. Just sticking with what I knew with the rationalization that January 1 is just another day. So this year I've taken an entirely different approach. I want to live the best life possible. Rainbows, unicorns, whatever being my healthiest self looks like….I'd like to live it. Not one day, not for the first 3 months of the year, but forever. When I stumbled across the book 52 Small Changes it was as though lightening had struck. Here is a book that addresses the steps that are needed to be healthy, one baby step at a time. I've rallied the troops at the studio and we're all on board….one small change at a time! Week 1 is titled "Drink Up!". It's recommended that we drink half our body weight in ounces of water each day. The book details who should add even more water to their routine. Already drinking enough H2O? Chapter Uno challenges us to focus on filtered water…you can start at the studio where our bottle filler is always providing filtered water. FYI…..our bodies depend more on water than food. An individual can live up to 6 weeks without food but will perish in 3 to 5 without water. Drink up BUTTERCUP!!!
